Brian Riddle

Foster Coordinator

Brian Riddle a career Executive Chef and proud United States Marine Corps veteran began his association with GRRAND in 2023 after moving back to Louisville from the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Brian and his fiancé Angela started fostering after learning of the dogs being rescued from the puppy mills in Ohio. Angela and Brian were heartbroken reading of the horrific conditions that these animals had endured and knew they had to help. They fostered several dogs and felt that they needed to do more, as opportunities became available they decided it was time to put their energy to good use and take on a bigger role with GRRAND.

I believe fostering is one of the hardest jobs at GRRAND- taking a dog into your home and showing that animal that how wonderful life can be, giving them love and affection,sometimes nursing them back to health, teaching them the basics and preparing them to go a forever home.

I have been asked many times how can I can say goodbye to a dog I have cared for and loved on and my answer is “ the hardest part of fostering is the day that dog gets adopted and they leave taking a piece of your heart with them- the most rewarding part of fostering is the day that dog gets adopted and leaves taking a piece of your heart with them!!”

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