
We can’t do this without you! Your donation funds GRRAND’s mission to rescue, restore and re-home hundreds of dogs each year at a cost of more than $1000 per dog. As a volunteer organization, we rely on adoption donations, special events, merchandise sales and charitable donations for this effort. GRRAND is a non-profit, 501(c) (3) organization registered with the state of Kentucky. Your donation is tax deductible. We are also available to speak with you about planned giving strategies. Contact us for more information. 

If you wish to make an offline donation, mail your check to GRRAND, P.O. Box 6132, Louisville, KY 40206.

Want to see a history of your donations or create a year-end annual donation statement?  Click on the yellow box below.

General Donations

Support GRRAND dogs by donating for the general care of our dogs (food, toys, kennel equipment, training, etc.).  We appreciate your generosity!

GRRAND Adoption Donation

Spencer County rescued dog

Support Spencer County Hoarding Rescued Dogs

GRRAND Membership Donation

Honor or Gift Donation

Amazon Wish List

Donate a Kuranda Dog Bed

NEW! Chewy Wish List for GRRAND

GRRAND recently joined the Chewy Rescue Program.  You now have the opportunity to purchase wish list items from Chewy that will be delivered directly to the GRRAND Central Station kennel.  All you need to do is click on the Chewy banner with the “Donate Now” button and you will go directly to GRRAND’s wish list page.  

Donate Now!

 If you’ve chosen to donate items to maintain our facility and excite our kenneled dogs with play items.  From all of them to all of you, THANK YOU!

Fundraising Opportunity for GRRAND

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worthy causes dedicated to turning everyday online shopping and searching
into much-needed donations for our rescue dogs!

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